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Home What we Teach

What We Teach


t1To develop the child’s full potential, physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally.
To create a happy, secure and intellectually challenging environment, based on a broad and balanced curriculum.
To provide an environment that demonstrates the value we place on the varied cultures, abilities and experiences of the children.
To teach through first-hand experience and to develop knowledge of the environment through exploring, experimenting, identifying, choosing and extending.
To structure a wide range of learning experiences and to offer equal opportunities so that all children can enjoy success.
To encourage individual confidence whilst in the company of other children and their peers.
To enable all children, whatever their abilities to recognise their own unique worth, and to accept responsibility for their own behaviour.
To promote and nurture those basic skills and concepts on their path to further education.
‘To take account and build upon previous learning, involving parents as equal partners in the learning process.

The Early Years Curriculum

Our Early learning Curriculum is based on the Early Years Foundation
Stage framework (Dfe 2017).
It consists of four themes and principals each of which is under pinned by a set of commitments which detail how the principles should be put into everyday practice.

Implementation of the Curriculum

Our Curriculum is about structured, active learning which is relevant  to the developmental stages of each child. It progresses at a rate and pace that is stimulating, challenging without being daunting and above all is FUN.

t8Through play children will begin to discover their own potential:
e.g. using language in a creative way, understanding that their contribution matters.


Likely outcomes:
Achievement of a sense of personal pride, expansion of the boundaries of experience, development of language skills.



t3Through play Children meet and sometimes overcome challenges:
e.g. trying out new equipment, learning new skills, making several attempts when something is difficult. 


Likely outcomes:
Ability to experiment without fear or failure, general increase in self-confidence, willingness to persevere.



t9Through play children can solve problems and explore possibilities:
e.g. deciding what to use and how to use it, testing properties. 

Likely outcomes:
Ability to make judgements, to hypothesise to re-assess expectations.




t5Through play children can enter a world of fantasy and imagination without being self-conscious:
e.g. secret places, world of ‘let’s pretend’, getting away from the world. 

Likely outcomes:
Emotional release, overcoming of fears, escape from reality.




Through play children can work (play) alone or alongside others without collaboration:t7
e.g. sometimes just watching, following own interest, taking opportunities to withdraw/reflect. 

Likely outcomes:
Ability to pursue ideas without reference to others, ability to find satisfaction in individual pursuits, appreciation of solitude.




Through play children learn to co-operate and collaborate by participation in group activities:t4
e.g. opportunity to lead or follow, being an active participant, assuming a variety of roles. 

Likely outcomes:
Feeling of acceptance, ability to share and take turns, development of a sense of fairness.



At Sunrise we record your child’s learning through an online journal called Tapestry. Your child’s progress is tracked through written observations, photographs and videos and these experiences are shared with you to see the special moments and view your child’s progress. Parents can also comment and add your own observations enabling a good partnership with us to enhance your child’s learning. Tapestry is a safe and secure and all that is needed is an online connection and access to a tablet, pc or mobile. Your child’s learning journey is available to the authorised person to access anywhere there is a connection.